God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Monday, June 18, 2012

Coffee for a Cause

In order to defray the cost of adoption expenses, we are raising money through Just Love Coffee.  This organization was started by a family who adopted themselves and wanted to provide a way for orphans to connect with their forever family.  Each month we are mailed a check based on the number of orders placed through our storefront.  The coffee is delicious!  If you are a coffee drinker, please order some and try it for yourself.  We promise you won't be disappointed.  If you're not a coffee drinker, but know someone who is, order it and give it as a gift.  

Please visit our storefront at www.justlovecoffee.com/hermanfamily

Monday, June 11, 2012

Another Heart Update

Liam went in for his three month cardiologist appointment today.  It was a good check-up.  The main purpose for this visit was to check the fluid around his heart, which has been there since January.  Although he still has a little fluid remaining, the amount has decreased.  This means his body is healing itself and medication is not needed.  This is good news.
The nurse also checked the hole in his heart.  It remains the same size.  There is a chance that his body could heal this by the age of four, which would be wonderful.  However, the doctor said that since it is such a small hole, we won't have to fix it surgically even if it stays open.  It is a very minimal hole and Liam's heart is not leaking too much for it to be a concern.  We will check the other two heart problems (aorta and valve) at our next check-up, but from today's echocardiogram they look to be stable.  Overall, it was a good visit.  Liam is getting so good at sitting still and letting the nurses get all the pictures and videos they need.  The nurses are always so smitten with him - he is such a charmer!  I can't help but think that he is leaving quite an impression on the staff there.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thank You

The words thank you don't quite seem powerful enough to convey the gratitude I have for the outpouring of love shown this weekend.  I am overwhelmed!  Our garage sale was a success in so many ways.  Many people donated items.  The yard looked more like a church rummage sale than just a garage sale.  We had many large items, some of which, were donated by people who do not know us personally, but heard about what we are doing and wanted to help.

I was also impressed with how many people offered to help set-up and organize the event.  Our dear friends, the Castens, offered their home, which was more centrally located.  Only true friends open their homes and arrange their lives to host such a big event.  We are so grateful for their generosity.  Our other great friends, the Zielinkis, who were the inspiration behind the whole event, helped organize things ahead of time, and make sure everyone knew what to do.  Sara put things on Craigslist, Phil was sweet enough to make dinner for us Friday night, and their five daughters were so helpful loading the Goodwill truck at the end.  Sara was also the "boss" during the sale, for which I am so thankful.  I would have been lost without her.  Our friend Deb helped by watching Liam on Friday morning.  Many other dear friends helped arrange and price things Thursday night and work the sale on Friday. 

We had a great turn-out of shoppers.  A couple church members showed up to show their support.  Some people made donations in addition to their purchases.  It is a humbling experience to accept money from people, but also so encouraging to know that so many care about our daughter already.  One couple gave us a $100 donation on Friday, which was also the day their father/father-in-law passed away.  They shopped the sale right after returning from the nursing home and saying their good-byes.  Isn't it amazing how people's lives intersect in the midst of sorrow and joy?  It just reminds me that the Lord gives and takes away - blessed be the name of the Lord.  This was emotional for me as it reminded me what our group of friends was doing on June 8th four years ago.  We were gathered for the funeral service for Christopher and Connor.  They helped us through that terrible time of grief and now have helped us in our time of joy and excitement.  Look how much has changed since that sad summer day - God has brought joy from the ashes.

Our summer of fundraising is off to a good start.  We still have a lot more to raise, but are encouraged that since God has called us to do this, He will also provide the funds we need.  God is so good!