God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Friday, August 31, 2018

August 2018

We have started a new school year.  The summer flew by!  Liam is a 3rd grader now at Central Lutheran School.  Lilly is in 1st grade at Harris Elementary.

I'm so blessed to be in the same school as Liam.

Grandpa Herman made Liam this belt rack for his karate belts.

On our way to a wedding!

Partying is hard!

Starting to loose those teeth!

Mark Schultz concert

The kids made mint chocolate ship cookies on their own.

Tin Caps game

Liam's Camping Day Field Trip
(in the side yard at school)

digging for gold

Friends' Sleepover