God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 2019

December is a busy month!  Liam played basketball on the 5th grade basketball team. There weren't enough 5th graders, so the 4th graders got asked to play.  In addition to that, Lilly had ballet and was getting ready for the Nutcracker production.  Liam had a Christmas concert, where he played in beginning band for the first time (percussion).  Liam and Lilly also each had a Christmas Program.

Luke sometimes acts like a cat and tries to squeeze in tight places.

Basketball Tournament

Dave took Lilly on a date to the Takaoka House, Fantasy of Lights and for ice cream.

Nutcracker - Lilly was a snowflake

Lilly's class read a book that was set in Korea.  Luke came to class in his Handbook.

Grandpa Herman made this JOY sign, which Phyllis bought at the auction.  She asked the kids to help her put it up.

First Piano Recital for Liam and Lilly

The kids with their teacher - Susan Dorion

Forts and Peek-a-boo

Christmas pictures at Grandma's house

making sugar cookies

decorating sugar cookies

Christmas Concert



Liam got his braces off just in time for Christmas!

Shopping with three kids is made easier with help...

... and cake pops!

Mom & Liam date to the Embassy to see the Holiday Pops Concert

followed by hot chocolate

Christmas Service #1

Christmas Service #2

Luke's 'hiding' place

Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas 2019

We had four Christmas celebrations, as usual.  
Herman Christmas
The first was with Dave's family.  Debbie and Brady hosted.  We ate, played games and everyone was excited to finally meet Luke.  Luke got a little overwhelmed after about 3 and a half hours.  I took him home for some quiet time before bed.  The big kids stayed with Dave.

Family Christmas
We continued our tradition on our Christmas Eve by letting the kids make their own stuffed animal at Build A Bear.  Liam made Toothless, Lilly made a dog and Luke picked a sweet classic Teddy Bear.  It was cute to watch him cuddle it.  He was not thrilled with the stuffing machine.  The kids also opened their Christmas Eve gift, which was pajamas (big surprise).

On our Christmas morning, the kids weren't up too terribly early.  Liam and Lilly were up first, but we told them they had to stay in their rooms until Luke woke up.  We had a leisurely morning of opening gifts.  I made brunch and then everyone played with their toys. We went to church and then had a nice family supper.  Liam and Lilly held candles during the service.  Luke did not, but was captivated by the lights.  I will cherish the memory of seeing Liam and Lilly sing with their candles and watching Luke's face of wonder.

Big fan of cinnamon rolls!


We had to set up the LEGO station in the basement.

Christmas at Grandma's
When we woke up Christmas morning, we drove up to Grandma's house in Michigan.  The kids opened all their presents first.  Then, while Luke napped and the kids played with their new gifts, the adults opened presents.  We stayed at Grandma's house until Saturday.  We played hard games, ate great food, and took turns going to the movie theater.

Christmas with Grandpa Hart
My dad drove up from Indianapolis to spend an evening with us.  I made dinner and then everyone opened presents.  My dad was in the Air Force, so his gifts were special.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas Letter 2019

December 2019
Dear Family & Friends,

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

            We hope you are enjoying this Christmas season, reminded that your Savior loves you, renewed in His promise to always be with you and encouraged to share His love with others. May you enjoy all the seasons of life, assured of the hope we have in Christ.
            The majority of this year was spent in waiting.  We experienced numerous delays in our adoption process for Luke.  There seemed to be a delay at every stage of the process.  We came to expect them and anticipate a long timeline. However, in God’s perfect timing and plan, He finally granted us the chance to finalize our adoption for Luke.  We took our court trip the first week of September.  We then came home and waited one more time.  At the beginning of October, we traveled to Korea and brought our son home!  We have been adjusting to life with Luke and are so amazed at how well he is adapting.  It is fun to learn his personality and see how he fits into our family.
            We are in a very busy season of life.  Liam and Lilly are in numerous activities.  Throw a toddler into the mix and you can imagine how wonderfully chaotic life is right now.  And, we wouldn’t change it for the world.  We are blessed to be parents to three of the most amazing humans on the planet and we are so very grateful.
Liam – started 4th grade this school year.  He still loves Science the most, but is also an avid reader.  He loves reading a variety of genres and it has been fun to discuss all the things he is learning through literature.  At the request of his cardiologist, he had to quit taking Karate classes, which was a huge disappointment for him.  However, he has filled his time with STEM club, basketball, drama (he will make his debut on Concordia High School’s stage in February in “Fiddler on the Roof”), piano and drum lessons.  He is a great big brother.  He is a neat kid and has an “old soul”.  We are proud of the young man he has become.
Lilly – has had a year of transition.  She started 2nd grade at Central Lutheran School this year.  We are thrilled that she is getting a Lutheran education and can attend school with her brother.  She has made great friends and loves her teachers, even though they push her to do her best. She is as determined as ever!  She continues to dance (ballet, tap & jazz).  She is also taking piano lessons.  She is a doting big sister and has taken on the role beautifully!
Luke – is a busy boy!  He loves to explore.  He has a cheerful personality and loves water, Mars (our dog), cuddles, hugs and kisses.  He babbles a lot and has started attempting a few English words.  He is a resilient kid and brings so much joy to our family.
            Dave continues to work for Thrivent and is thankful for his great clients and the ability to help spread generosity.  Tiffany decided to leave her job at Central Lutheran School as the Special Education Teacher at the end of the 2018-2019 school year in anticipation of Luke’s arrival.  She has worked for Thrivent as an Office Professional and has enjoyed the flexibility it offers, allowing her much needed time with the kids.  We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this year and enjoyed a trip to Disney’s Aulani resort in Hawaii over spring break.  It was perfect!
            We look forward to all the ways God will guide us in 2020.  We are enjoying all the seasons of life, knowing they are ever changing.  We pray you are able to do the same.
You can keep up with our family throughout the year by visiting our blog at – www.davetiffanyliamlillylukeherman.blogspot.com

Merry Christmas!
The Herman Family