God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Liam's 4th Birthday

It is so hard to believe that Liam is four years old!  He has grown and matured so much over the last year.  This year he started Preschool and became a big brother.  We are constantly amazed with how smart, creative, and imaginative he is.  He also has a big heart and shows compassion.  He is so curious and wants answers to many things.  He soaks in knowledge like a sponge.  We hope that continues for him.  He is so verbal and often has a hard time shutting off his brain at bedtime.  He is a great story teller.  He also loves to sing.
We know that Liam is meant to do great things.  He still says he'd like to be an astronaut when he grows up.  He loves learning about space and rockets.  His favorite color is green and he says his second favorite is blue.  He loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Octonauts, and Bubble Guppies.  Liam has begun telling jokes, which often aren't that funny, but are pretty clever for his age.  Liam loves to do art projects and play with play-dough.
The greatest thing to witness is the blossoming of his faith.  It is so great to hear him sing songs he learned in both Preschool and Sunday School.  He retells many of the bible stories he knows.  We know the Holy Spirit is at work within him.  He says his own prayers at bedtime, which is so sweet to hear.

Right after his third birthday, Liam decided he wanted a Buzz Lightyear party for his fourth birthday.  He talked about it all year.  He said he wanted a rocket cake with Buzz on top.  Well, although I didn't make a rocket cake, we did have a Buzz Lighteyar themed party.

The Decorations

planet cupcakes and rocket sugar cookies

Liam was so excited about all his gifts and wanted to play with each one for a little bit before opening another one.  He did a great job of thanking everyone for his presents.

Liam showing Uncle Brady his new Gup X (from Octonauts)

Liam's favorite planet is Saturn, so he got the Saturn cupcake.

The black frosting stained a bit, but tasted good.  Verona seemed to enjoy it!

Liam's Birthday
Liam had a great birthday.  He took some rocket cookies to Preschool as a snack.  We saved some of his presents for his actual birthday.  He asked for the Imaginext Batman toys.  Both Liam and Lilly were excited about them.

Liam's face says it all.

Liam got a little too close to the candle when he went to blow it out, but it didn't hurt for long.

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