God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dear Adoptive Mom

Since this month is adoption month, I have been thinking about the adoptions of my kids and what I would tell myself about this journey.  Adoptions, like children, are different, but some things are constant in all of them.  If I could go back in time, this is what I would tell myself.  Maybe other adoptive Moms can relate.

Dear Adoptive Mom,
You are embarking on a journey that will change you forever.  There will be times when you will feel unequipped.  You will ask God if He's sure you are the right woman for this job.  You will look at all the obstacles and wonder how you will scale this mountain of challenges.  You will have to write checks for large amounts of money and wonder how it is even possible to do so.  You will see God provide for you in amazing ways, which will confirm that you are making the right choice.  You will have to wait.  In the waiting times, you will grow.  You will feel your child taking up a place in your heart, before even knowing if they exist, or seeing their face.  You will feel a closeness to a woman you've never met and feel unbelievably grateful for her precious gift to you.  You will find yourself praying for her safety and for her future.  Once you see/meet your child you will be overcome with love you never knew possible.  You will believe in miracles!  You will understand God's love and grace like never before. You will fill out more paperwork, get more fingerprints, more physicals, and background checks than the president.  Your finances and other personal information will be an open book.  You will fill out piles and piles of paperwork, which sadly does't end once you bring your child home.  You will have questions about your child and their family history that will never be answered.  Your eyes and heart will be opened to all the children who need and want families.  You will wish there was a way for you to adopt 100 of them.  You will have to become an expert on the conditions of your child.  You will constantly wonder if you are making the right decisions for your children.  You will have to rely on the other Moms who have taken this path before you, and the professionals you've met.  Once again you'll be reminded that all children are different.  One day your child will ask about their birthparents and their adoption story and will try to create their identity.  There will be times your heart will break for them, when life isn't easy, and they feel different and alone.  You will ask yourself, "How do I deal with this?"  Through all of it you will love your child fiercely.  You will rely on God's strength and forgiveness.  You will have sleepless nights.  Adoption is not easy, but is worth it.  Given the opportunity you would do it all again.  Hang in there adoptive Mom!  Remember that God has a plan for you and your child - Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to give you hope and a future." 

November 2014

This month we tried to get outside as much as possible before the weather got cold.  We took a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese on one of the cold rainy evenings.  We ate supper at home and then let the kids play some games.  Liam also visited Skyzone (indoor trampolines) for the first time and loved it.  The kids had a great time playing with their cousins at Thanksgiving.  

It is so great to see Lilly run, since she wanted to so badly when she came home and couldn't 

making a nest out of leaves

Liam helping Dad with the Christmas decorations

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thankful List 2014

Usually, I post 1 thing I'm thankful for everyday on Facebook during the month of November.  This year I decided to blog my list at once - 30 things I'm thankful for.  This list could not possibly contain everything I am thankful for, but it is great to sit down and thank God for each of these things and remind myself of the important things in life.

1. God's grace!
2. Liam's enthusiasm.  One of my favorite things in the world is to watch Liam run towards me with a huge grin on his face and his blonde hair bouncing on top of his head.
3.  Lilly's affection for stuffed animals and pets.  She was terrified of both when she came home from China (having never seen either before).  Now, she hugs and kisses them and has a great love for Daisy.
4. My teaching job.  It is so nice to work in a positive environment, where I feel appreciated.
5. My ability to be home more than I teach.  I love that my first job is being a mother.
6. Forgiveness - especially from my Heavenly Father
7. Big hugs!
8. My family.  When one of us gets cut, we all bleed, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
9. Dave - my best friend and teammate in this roller coaster of life 
10. Hearing Liam say, "Mom, I love you."
11. Lilly's attachment to us
12. Liam's faith.  Liam has some of the most deep, profound questions and thoughts about God.  I've learned a lot through his faith.
13. Daisy - such a sweet dog, and our first adopted baby
14. Pictures. I love being able to look back at pictures and think of all the wonderful memories we've made.
15. Christopher & Connor. They help me live with a heavenly perspective every day.
16. Lilly's athleticism.  I still picture the weak little girl I held for the first time and am so joyful when I see her run and jump.
17.  Lilly's determination.  Her fighting personality made it possible for her to thrive.
18.  Liam's tender heart.  He has the biggest, sweetest soul of any kid I know.
19.  My friends.  Regardless of how often I see them, they are so influential in my decisions, supportive, and true gifts from God.
20. Role models.  I look up to my Grandmother's knowledge of the bible, my Mom's work ethic, and my Godmother's parenting skills.
21. My students.  My heart aches for them sometimes, and sometimes I'm baffled by their little brains, but they challenge me to be a better teacher.  
22. Laughter
23. Fingerprints of God in nature - the sunrise, sunset, beautiful leaves, turquoise water, blue sky...
24. God's provision 
25.  Our church family
26. Good movies & books that make me laugh and cry and demonstrate the human condition.
27.  Pedicures - if you saw my feet, you'd understand
28. Adoption - what a great picture of God's love for us.  Adoption has made our family possible and our lives sweeter.
29. Beautiful things
30. My in-laws. They've always treated me like a daughter and are great grandparents!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

October 2014

October was a busy month, filled with many fall activities.  The kids are at such a fun age and make all our activities and outings so much fun.


Bath time with Daisy

First trip to Chick-fil-A

 Painting Pumpkins

 Wellman Farm

Zoo Halloween


Cookie decorating