God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Update on Liam's Heart

Back Story... When Liam was about 18 months old, his pediatrician noticed he had a heart murmur.  He suggested that we see a pediatric cardiologist.  We started getting an echocardiogram every 6 months and then when things looked stable, we started going once a year.  That has been the case for a while (about 6 years). There have been 3 areas of concern with Liam's heart.  Today we learned of a 4th, so we are back to the 6 month visits with echocardiograms.  I'll explain in more detail below.

Side Note... Dave and I have spent a lot of time in hospitals with Liam and Lilly (Lilly more than Liam).  Despite the frequent surgeries, procedures and tests, it is really hard for me to see my kids in a hospital bed.  I always seem to get a lump in my throat, even though I know the tests are for the best.  The fragility of life is always on my mind in hospitals.  But, my kids are brave and strong and they make an impact on everyone they meet.  All the nurses today commented on how well behaved and polite the kids were.  Liam's cardiologist said, "Liam I know you have a kind heart.  I'm not just saying that because I've looked inside it (doctor humor).  I know you are special and you will do amazing and great things for good.  Thank you for letting me be part of your life."  (cue tears)  Dave and I say that all the time, but to hear it from his cardiologist was so reaffirming.  Who knows how God will use this hardship in his life for His glory?

OK, back to the heart...
Heart Problem #1 - Narrowed Aorta
Liam's aorta is narrowed which makes flow difficult.  The change has been minimal from last time, but it is actually a little more open.  The narrowing is minimal enough that the doctor is not concerned at this point in time.  We will continue to monitor it. 

Heart Problem #2 - Hole between 2 Upper Chambers -
Most children are born with a hole in their heart and it corrects itself by the age of 4.  For some reason, Liam's is taking longer to heal.  It may never close completely.  It has gone down in size.  It is small enough that if it never closes, it shouldn't cause any concerns.

Heart Problem #3 - Bicuspid Aortic Valve -
This is the problem that causes the murmur sound.  There is a valve between the chamber and the aorta.  It should have 3 parts.  Liam's has 2 parts that are fused together, so he has leakage and the heart has to work harder to pump blood.  The valve hasn't changed.  However, the effects of this valve have created problem #4.

Heart Problem #4 - (Don't really know the name for it) Aorta right above the valve is stretching -
The valve is working really hard to pump blood because of its defect.  It is pushing the blood hard enough that it is stretching the aorta right above the valve.  At last year's appointment, it measured at a 2.6.  This year it is at a 2.8.  3.2 is considered a grown-up size.  At 4.0 surgery is needed.  This is what we need monitor most.  If it is at 3.0 in 6 months it is time to start Beta-Blockers.  This medicine will slow the progression of the aorta stretching.  As Liam grows (which he does a lot) parts of the heart grow and stretch - not always together.  We need to monitor to make sure his heart is not over exerting itself.  Liam has been getting head-aches which the doctor believes are due to low blood pressure.  We need to monitor his blood pressure and make a head-ache journal.  Beta-Blockers will bring the blood pressure down even further, so we need to know what to expect.  

We have 6 months to review the information about each medication, so we are ready with our game plan when the time comes.  We are adding antibiotics to all dental and orthodontic appointments.  His heart can't handle an infection.  We are also evaluating all his extra activities.  He is not allowed to play any high contact sports.  The good news is that surgery has never been mentioned as an immediate need.  We can still monitor things and hopefully keep things stable with medicine.

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