Our little diva in the van on the way to the airport.
boarding the plane
Lilly did so well on her first flight!
Our room in Guangzhou
Life with Lilly
Our little Lilly is a fast learner. She was not very good at walking when we first met her. However, she is determined to learn how. She will only hold one of my hands and wants to practice all the time. She is getting better every day. Today, I got her to take 3-4 steps without holding on. She is so proud when she does it without falling down.
Lilly's molars are coming in. We thought her drooling was due to her cleft palate (which may be part of it). However, we have seen one gum go from swollen and red this week to having a molar pop through. She is putting everything in her mouth.
Lilly is a Momma's girl. She wants to be with me at all times. She will play with Dave and eat food from him if I am close by. We are going to stick with it and know she will warm up to him in time. We are just thankful she has attached so well to one of us.
She had a liquid diet at the orphanage, but now she only wants solid foods. She does not want formula. She would much rather have fruits, vegetables, and whatever we eat. She can now hold her own bottle when she drinks her water and milk. She is also spilling less liquid on herself. Dave and I are just amazed how far she has come in less than a week. She really wants to learn how to use silverware, but we may start that at home with smaller utensils.
Lilly's personality is starting to show. She is becoming more outgoing. She is trying to talk more. She can't say a lot of distinguishable sounds, but she sure is trying. She can say Mama, and Dad is 'Ah!' She is also funny. She scrunches up her nose, throws her head back, and laughs.
Everyone says Lilly is tall for her age. We just laugh, because to us she is such a little peanut. She is long and slender. Her face looks thinner than it did in the pictures we received. She is tiny with small features. Of course, we are used to our giant, Liam.
She is such a good sleeper. She sleeps through the night and does well at nap-time. Now, I just have to put her in her crib and sit next to it for about 2 minutes and Lilly falls right to sleep. She no longer rocks herself, which makes me so happy!
Overall, our little lady is doing well!!! We know that the Holy Spirit has been at work in all of us and has prepared us to be together. I'm sure we will have some work ahead of us and some obstacles to overcome, but we know your prayers are working. Thank you to all you prayer warriors out there!
Here are some random pictures...
Lilly's favorite thing is her photo album, which we sent to her in her care package. She carries with with her everywhere. She gets so excited when she gets to Liam's picture.
Everyday we visited the lounge while they cleaned our room. They always cleaned our floor during nap-time, but would skip our room and come back to us after Lilly woke up.
such a sound sleeper
Mmmm, breakfast time!
Lilly sucks on her two middle fingers.