God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Monday, May 27, 2013

Lilly's Gotcha Day!

Today is Lilly's Gotcha Day - the day she became part of our forever family.  We went to the government office building in Nanjing and waited  for Lilly to arrive with her care-givers.

We watched as two of her care-givers walked up to the building with her.  She was wearing the outfit we sent in her care package!  As soon as they entered the room, they handed her to us.  She wanted to jump out of my arms and back into her care-giver's arms.  However, after about five minutes, and a snack, she was fine.

Then, we had to fill out some paperwork.  Lilly just sat and ate her snack.

We got our picture taken as a family - for one of our documents and then we were able to ask Lilly's care-givers questions about her.  Apparently, Lilly was Miss Popular at the orphanage and EVERYONE loved her.  The director even came to visit her everyday.  They called her Yee-Yee at the orphanage, which is about what Liam says.  We got back all the other things we put in her care package as well, like the disposable camera, blanket, and books.
After finishing up at the office we went to the store and bought things like diapers and formula.  Savor, our facilitator, also talked Dave into buying some beer.  She said he had to try it.  When we got home we started playing.  Lilly's little personality starting showing right away.

It was too hard to crawl and play in her dress, so we changed into better play clothes.

Apparently throwing stacking cups is hilarious.

Other than not wanting to take a bottle tonight, things have been perfect (I think we need to get a different special nipple - we can ask her care-givers tomorrow - we will see them one last time).  She did eat her rice cereal and some puffs and yogurt bites.  She has smiled and laughed.  She is still a little timid, but overall she is fine.  She walked around the hotel room holding mom's hands.  Only time will tell how well she is adjusting, but we're off to a great start.  


  1. OHHHHH!!!! She is precious! All the kids here are ooohing and awwing over her! So glad to hear her first day with you is going as well as can be. Praise God!

  2. So sweet, Tiffany! Love the pictures. We will continue to pray for you, Dave, Liam, and your newest little treasure.


  3. Just hit your blog for the first time today. Wow! Congratulations! Each of these little ones has an amazing story unfolding... how cool to be along for the ride of one of them!
