Today was spent traveling from Beijing to Nanjing. Our flight was about 1 hour and 45 minutes long. Once we arrived in Nanjing our facilitator met us at the airport and helped us get checked into our hotel. Our hotel in Beijing was very modern. Our hotel in Nanjing has more of a classic, old China feel. Our facilitator, Savor, made sure we got a big room with a view. We have Lilly's crib all set up and her toys ready. Our gift bags are also ready. We will give American gifts to the orphanage director and Lilly's primary care-takers tomorrow and then we will give two more gifts to the officials that process our paperwork on Tuesday. Tuesday we will process the adoption paperwork. Savor says we will officially be considered a family by China at that point.
our room - plenty of room for Lilly to play
After a little trouble we finally got the internet up and running.
Lilly's toys - we want her to get familiar with the other children in the family, so we have pictures for her to look at.

We are missing Liam like CRAZY!!! We are looking forward to Skyping with him in a couple days. Being away from him has been the most challenging part of this trip. However, it is important for us to devote this time to Lilly, and we know Liam is in good hands. Today as we prepare for Lilly's Gotcha Day, we keep thinking back to the moment we met Liam for the first time. We waited for what seemed like a lifetime to be parents. We had Liam in our hearts long before we even knew he was ours. We prayed and begged God to give us a child, and Liam was that answer to prayer. The second he was placed in my arms all my waiting and praying seemed worth it. I was meant to be the mommy of this boy and he was meant to be our son all along. At that moment, I knew there was a place in my heart that only Liam could fill. I have been praying for Lilly, even before we saw her face or knew where she was from and I know that just like Liam, God created me to be her mommy, and Lilly to be my daughter. I know we will have to work through her grief and that her love for us won't be instant, but I know the moment she is in my arms, I will be her mother forever! I am in awe of God's plan for our family and how it has all unfolded.
Here is my most recent letter to Lilly...
Dearest Lilly,
Tomorrow is your Gotcha Day - the day you become part of our family forever. Lilly, we have been praying for you, that your heart will be ready to accept us, and that we will be the kind of parents that you need. We are so excited to hold you and start life as a family of four. Your older brother Liam is so anxious to be your big brother. He loves you already! We promise to show you how much we love you every day. Sweet girl, you were given life for a reason and God has a great purpose for your life. We are so blessed to be part of that journey. We are so thankful to be your parents.
Love, Mom & Dad
It's 10:18 am here which means it's 10:18 pm there in Nanjing. In less then twelve hours you will be meeting Lilly for the first time. I will be praying for a smooth transition for you guys. Can't wait to see her in your arms!
Oh, Dave and Tiffany! This is the big day for you and for Lilly. I pray that you are prepared for whatever response Lilly has toward you and that healing comes on Lilly's tender heart. In just a few hours you will be holding your sweet girl! Much love to all of you.