God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Monday, September 9, 2013


It is encouraging to think that out of all the children in the world, God chose Liam and Lilly to be brother and sister.  I feel like they have really been bonding lately and have a special relationship.  Lilly is starting to gain trust in Liam and Liam is really striving to look after her.  I can already tell that Liam will be a protective big brother.  Obviously, they have moments where they fight for attention and affection.  They enjoy playing and snuggling together too, which is so neat to watch.  I'm glad they have each other!

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