God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chinese New Year

This year we decided to start a family tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year.  Liam and I started by making some decorations and art projects.

One Chinese tradition is to release lanterns into the sky.  Red is the customary color used for this holiday.  Our lanterns appeared to be floating in the sky all weekend.

Liam colored his dragon puppet.

Typically, a large dragon is woven through the streets in China.  Our dragon made a trip around the house.

In lue of lighting fireworks, we made our own fireworks on paper with glitter and glue.

Liam's fireworks

We had Chinese food on Saturday evening, but saved Liam's surprise for Sunday afternoon.  In China, it is traditional to give children a red envelope filled with money.  Liam's envelope had the wish - May you find happiness forever.  Instead of giving Liam real money, we gave him chocolate money, which he liked even better.

Although we had fun celebrating and teaching Liam a little about where his sister is coming from, we really wish we had Lilly with us now.  Several times this weekend Liam talked to Lilly's picture and asked to go to China.  Next year, we will be together as a family celebrating!

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