Our reason for traveling to Guangzhou was to get Lilly's travel visa, get a medical check, and submit Lilly's immigration paperwork. Today was our last appointment here in Guangzhou. We went to the US Consulate. There were about 12 other adoptive families at our appointment. After waiting for a while, we were given instructions, then we all stood up and took an oath. After taking an oath we went up to the window for our 'interview.' We handed them all Lilly's immigration paperwork, Dave signed a form, and then we were done. We weren't asked any questions. So, this means that when we land in Chicago on Thursday, Lilly will be a US citizen. Tomorrow, our facilitator will pick up Lilly's visa and deliver it to us. Tomorrow is our last full day in China. Thursday we will get up very early. We have to be in the van, ready to go, by 6am. We will drive 3 hours to Hong Kong and then our flight is at 11:40am. We will fly about 15 hours to Chicago, visit immigration, eat dinner, and then get on one more flight to Detroit. We are scheduled to land in Detroit around 6:30pm Thursday night. We are anxious to get home. All the families we talked to today have the same feeling. Guangzhou has been a great adoption community, and we have met some great people, but it's not home. So many of us are ready to start real life.

Our little American Girl!
Mommy & Lilly
Lilly loves her patriotic outfit. Hopefully, by Independence Day we'll be able to put a bow in her hair.
US Consulate
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