Since getting Lilly last Monday, she has been a Mama's girl. She bonded with me first. I've actually been asked by Chinese women how long I've had Lilly. When I tell them one week, they are amazed at how well she is doing. I don't know how else to explain it, other than that God is mending her little heart. She has not had the same attachment to Dave. In fact, she has been so attached to me that I often can't even go to the bathroom or take a shower without her crying. It has been a bit exhausting. It's hard to know when to give her attention and reassure her that I will meet all her needs, and when she is just manipulating me. I have been sitting closer to Dave and giving him hugs and kisses in front of Lilly in an effort to show her that he is a safe person. Dave has been good about getting down on her level and playing with her. He just keeps loving her through it all. Well, today I think we turned a corner. She actually let Dave hold her for more than two seconds and didn't scream. She also let Dave hold her hands and walk her down the hallway. This has been impossible up until today. The most exciting part is that she kissed Dave on the lips several times today!!! Every time she did it we praised her for it, which made her giggle. Dave and I have always been 'teamwork parents.' We both take an active role with Liam and I am excited to think that we will be able to do the same with Lilly soon. Attachment takes time and lots of patience. It is also a challenge sometimes to know when to discipline and when to let things slide. Overall, I am so proud of how Lilly is doing. I was expecting the worst, hoping for the best, and praying for a miracle. I think God answered my prayer in a little, but important way today. I'm thankful for so many small moments today!

Dave holding Lilly - Lilly is not crying!
Daddy and Lilly walking back to the room
Skyping with the family - so good to hear Liam's little voice.
Our hotel has a play room, which has been so great for Lilly. She is getting sick of the toys that we packed.
Lilly loves to play with balls. Maybe she'll be a basketball player.
(Notice she is wearing a hair clip. Her hair is just long enough to clip one on, but it didn't stay on very long).
so beautiful!
Big brother Liam is going to have to chase off the boys.
It cracks us up that Lilly knows how to work the remote. Apparently, she watched TV every night before bed at the orphanage.
Lilly loves to draw. We're anxious to let her use crayons and make masterpieces at home.
Dave, I cry tears of joy at this huge step in bonding. I know what a wonderful feeling it is to feel like bonding is happening with both parents. I pray Lilly continues to learn trust and heals from her past. Love to you all!
ReplyDeleteThanks Laura.