God has been gracious to us and has been with us through our journey of love and life. He has carried us through some of the most difficult times and has given us joy in the midst of sorrow. He has also been loving and given us abundant blessings. Most importantly, He has provided us with faith. May we share that faith with others.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame".
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lilly's Doctor Visit

Lilly met Dr. Bollier today.  We all love our pediatrician, Dr. Bollier.  He is a wonderful doctor and great man.  He is genuinely happy for our family!  Liam was excited to see his buddy again.
Lilly weighs 19.8 pounds (5%) and is 30.5 inches tall (5%).  Dave and I chuckled when we saw her height and weight on her growth chart.  Liam's dots have always been on the top of the arc, so it's different to see dots on the bottom of the arc.  We are happy for a big healthy boy and sweet petite girl.  We mentioned we were concerned that Lilly keeps getting red bumps all over her body that come and go.  She's had them since we were in China.  We thought it was due to sensitive skin.  It turns out Lilly has a viral infection and the symptom is hives.  I'm not surprised, since I got sick too.  So, we will give her doses of Benadryl for the next 5 days and see if that helps.  The poor girl has been sick this whole time.  We also mentioned that she keeps tugging at her ear.  Ear fluid and infections are common in children with cleft palates.  She had some fluid.  This will be checked by the ENT doctor at her cleft clinic.
Liam was a great big brother.  He sat next to Lilly through her whole check-up.  He even held her hand when she got vaccines.  He sympathetically cried with her.  He doesn't like seeing his sister sad and in pain.  So, Dave held Lilly and I held Liam and we let them be sad for a minute.
After finishing up at the doctor's office we headed over to the hospital for blood work.  We decided we might as well get everything done in one day.  The hospital is near the doctor's office, and Dave's office, so it was really convenient.  This time Liam stayed in the waiting room with Dad, which was a good choice.  Dave and Liam also spent some time at the park near by and went for a walk (we waited for quite a while).  The blood tests will check for any diseases that Lilly could have contracted in China.

waiting for the doctor to arrive

playing in the waiting room at the hospital

Being a big brother is tough work.  

poor girl - tough day

Once we got home Liam wasn't quite ready to get up yet.

snuggles for a tired, sore girl

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